Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Big Paintings Need a Big Easel

I didn't need a studio for about five years. I just painted outdoors,  brought them home and put them on a table in the garage to dry.  I couldn't stand painting indoors. When I started painting in plein air after years of being in a studio I wanted just the sky as the roof over my head. 
Things change. I just bought a Beauport for painting outdoors and on Friday a local painter wanted to sell a large studio easel. Since I'm painting larger these days I thought I'd better get it. I went to Janet's studio to pick it up. 

Marcus came to help me.  We brought tools to take it apart. No need ! It fit easily into the Subaru.    

The only piece we had to take off was the pole. 

Marcus was very happy we didn't have to use the half mile of rope we brought with us!

The hatch closed easily and the trip back to my studio was a leisurely cruise.  Just not liking moving stuff to my studios in my 20's. Then it was always a hair raising adventure. 

Marcus could practically do this himself.

It came with extra parts to telescope the pole even higher.  No need for that right now.  

Here's a 30x40 canvas sitting on it.  Theres plenty more room for a bigger canvas

And here is the poor old easel that was sitting in my studio with that larger canvas on it.  It just about filled it up .   Marcus eyed this lonely little easel with a delighted look on his face. I can see he will be using it soon.  Next, he will want to move into my studio to paint next to me.  Good thing he has a job and won't be around all the time ...or I will have to build a bigger studio! 


  1. Lovely post Mary, I just LOVE studio talk! And pics! Happy painting with the new easel!

  2. Thanks Mary! I will do a post on the studio transformation and the process it went through.

  3. Thanks Chris!! You'll see some soon!

  4. Maree, thank you and love to hear from you! As we are feeling the first bits of fall you must be seeing signs of spring!
