After a full tilt spring & summer painting and teaching I am reviewing field sketches and segueing into my fall painting mode. I'll be painting some larger paintings this winter from these sketches. Here are a few tidbits from my Acadia National Park trips.
We drove up from southern Maine and when we arrived at Mt Desert Is. it was early evening - just in time to get up to the Blue Hill overlook to catch the sun before it set. We were hoping this sunset promised good weather !
Here I am the next day just beyond Sand Beach. It's awesome painting on the park loop road in Acadia National Park- you can pull your car over in the right lane and park. I set up like this to save time and go to many locations in one day.
This was a view of Otter Cliffs that I could see from the road. Here's the 8-10 min sketch I did in markers & watercolor. This summer is the first time I painted outdoors in water color. It is so fast its mind boggling.After I finished the watercolor I did a 20 min field sketch in oils. Then I packed up and drove to the next location.
The weather was changing the whole time. Hey, its part of the territory ! I set up on the road again at Otter Cove. Here is the 10 min watercolor sketch.
My wonderful husband Marcus came on this trip and he took the pictures of me painting. Here I am in the thick of painting my 20 min field sketch. I love doing these as I learn so much and can go to many different locations in a day. You can tell by my gloves it was windy & cold on the water... I stayed warm by painting !